Spa Treatment: Shiodhara – Eric’s Review



So I’ve seen this on TV many times and have always wanted to try it out myself.

Shirodhara is the a relaxation method where they use Shirodhara oil to melt away tensions and stress; some call it anti-aging. Since we are in a Bali all inclusive resort, why not play extra for this lovely spa treatment. This is my experience:

The lady employees just go in and out of the men’s change room like it was a normal thing.

We are brought into a couples room where we were told to change into “paper panties” and place a robe on. These paper panties look like shower caps with leg holes.

Then the ladies return to tell us to get on our respective massage tables. (We cautiously take our robes off revealing our naked bodies… thank goodness for those paper panties)

We get a lovely 35 min massage on the top half of our bodies. If you want the bottom half you have to pay extra.

Then came the Shirodhara oil. But before we get the oil, our eyes and ears are protected. From the splash I suppose, however, I suddenly got that feeling where I could just freak out at any moment embarrassing Doran and I, but I refrained.

Minutes pass as the therapists prepare the oil. All I hear are clanging of buckets and inaudible whispers. I’m starting to get restless.

Then it happens, the oil comes and I flinch. Luckly, it wasn’t crazy enough to cause a scene.

So what actually happens is that they keep a constant stream of warm oil flowing onto the forehead right in between your eyes.

The whole time I thought to myself: “So this must be what the Chinese water tourture feels like.” The stream of oil was not consistent… there must have been some sort of problem because it felt like I was constantly poked right in my glabella every couple of seconds.

So after what seemed like an eternity of glabella poking, it’s over. And that was when I felt relaxed. Maybe that was the whole point. Annoy you so much that when it’s over, you can’t help but feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders…. in this case, Shirodhara oil.

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